When your sweat
smells like heavy metals
Katherine Spinella
May 29 - June 13, 2021

Opening Reception
Saturday, May 29th, 12-3pm*Additional Open Hours
Saturday, June 5th 6-9pm*Open Hours
Fri-Sun 12-5pm*drop in or by appointment
Email Info@carnationcontemporary.com
to schedule a visit
*limited capacity, masks required
Exhibition Statement
When your sweat smells like heavy metals reclassifies imagined post-human artifacts of our digital subconscious and material imprints. This solo exhibition by Katherine Spinella transports the refuse of commerce into multimedia amalgamations that are fractured, layered and codified into a poetic abstraction of signs. In a free association free fall approach, Spinella uses digital manipulation, printmaking, sculpture and video to conflate images and abstract signs as they relate to our perceptions of nature. Familiar warning signs, obtuse punctuation, scribbles, shreds, flames and compost amass in a process of renewal-based gestures that make space for something new and unknown to occur.Bio
Katherine Spinella (b. 1985) is a collage-based artist interested in process and perception. She is co-founder of Carnation Contemporary, Thunderstruck Collective, and Well Well Projects. Recently she has exhibited in Future Landscapes at Borders International Art Fair in Venice, Italy and Thunderstruck at NARS Foundation in New York, NY. Her work has received financial support from the Ford Family Foundation, Oregon Arts Commission, and The Andy Warhol Foundation for Visual Arts. Spinella received her MFA from University of Oregon in 2013. She currently works as an adjunct professor and is based in Portland, OR.

© Carnation Contemporary
photo credit: Mario Gallucci