The Extended Ear
An Artist Book Fair
March 5 - March 20, 2022

Exhibition Reception
Saturday, March 5 5-8pmOpen Hours
Sat-Sun 12-5pm*drop in or by appointment
to schedule a visit
*Masks required inside the gallery
Exhibition Statement
A publication is a declaration, product, and means of dissemination all at once. Performing multiple functions, printed matter and publications allow writer and reader to connect, a meeting of minds through language. A precursor of the digital file, books are the original reproducible object, encouraging exchange, interchangeability, and wide dissemination.The Extended Ear: An Artist Book Fair celebrates and questions the act of publication. At a time when everyone is making a podcast, releasing a vlog, or starting a newsletter, what does it mean to publish? What does it mean to publicly memorialize our thoughts, and why are artists in particular drawn to this act, whether through print, image, video, or sound? What is it about the artmaking process that so often leads to an output through print and language? Part of language’s power is in its ability to rapidly replicate, but does publishing become more or less powerful with the access provided by social platforms and self-publishing options? Why is it culturally important to have a distinctive voice? And if everyone is talking, who is listening?
Curated by
Kris BlackmoreHannah Newman
Ariba Akhlaque, Raphael Arar, Elizabeth Arzani, Hali Autumn, Amanda Beekhuizen, Heather Lee Birdsong, Amy Burek, Rebecca Burrell, Abby Castillo, Sean Cearley, Kerr Cirilo, Zach Clark, Brittney Connelly, Tropical Contemporary, elevatorteeth, Epiphany Couch, Chelsea Couch, Jakelen Diaz, Dan Garland / Nofi Editions, Julie Forbes, Annelyse Gelman, Nicolo Gentile, Laura Glazer, Conner Gordon, Claire Gunville, Thomas Hannah, Sharon Hart Lee, Leslie Hickey, Courtney Hicks, Justine Highsmith, Emily Kepulis, Hannah Krafcik, Carly Krantz, Jake Lahah, Tanner Lind, Florence Liu Lanxuan, Timme Lu, Luiza Lukova, Maria Lux, Will Mairs, Mary V. Marsh, Mär Martinez, Asa Mease, Anthony Michael, Midgray, Kyle Peets, Alyson Provax, Jackson Pyryt, James Reed, Victoria Reis Anne, Dawn Roe, Aude Sing Li, Jackson Smith, Anita Spaeth, Faith Sponsler, Zack Stewart, Michiko Tanaka, CC Teakell, Jason Triefenbach, Sarah Turner, Kelda van Patten, Libby Wadsworth, Zach Whitworth, Rebecca Yermish, Cammy York