Friend of a Friend

WAVE Contemporary (and Friends)

July 1–30, 2023

Opening Reception

Saturday, J 3 5-8 pm

Open Hours

Sat-Sun 12-5pm
drop in or by appointment 

to schedule a visit

Exhibition Statement

Friend of a Friend invites you on a journey exploring the intricate web of community and relationships that shape our lives. The exhibition delves into the profound connections we forge, the bonds we nurture, and the influence of those around us.

To shape this exhibition, each WAVE Contemporary art collective member invited another artist, who has also invited another artist, allowing the exhibit to expand in unpredictable ways. The physical artwork in the space —as it connects, communicates, collides, converges, and unites the artists in formal, conceptual, and social ways— births a new discourse with the promise to influence and generate ever-expanding conversations.  

At the heart of this exhibition lies the belief that our sense of belonging and well-being is deeply entwined with our connections to others. By highlighting the inherent value of friendship, kinship, and community, Friend of a Friend aims to inspire viewers to cultivate and cherish their own relationships, fostering empathy and nurturing the ties that bind us all.

WAVE Contemporary
is a Portland-based art collective dedicated to fostering and facilitating rich relationships within the contemporary art community. Wave Contemporary is rooted in supporting contemporary art that is inclusive, communal, and responsive in nature.

8371 N Interstate Ave
Portland, OR 97217

Open Hours
12-5 Saturday-Sunday

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